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New Worlds of Play

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Where innovation
and entertainment

As the leader in the world of games entertainment, creating the best content, systems, shufflers and beyond is required.

portal artwork
background from 88 Fortunes Coin Combo game
purple and blue gradient background
88 Fortunes girl FuBaby with gold symbol from 88 Fortunes Coin Combo game
orb art in shades of pink and green
orb art in shades of pink and green
orb art in shades of pink and green
Purple fish from Gold Fish game

Our team of Creators bring magic to life

Iconic characters
Household brands
Brilliant hardware

We create beloved games and brands that keep players coming back for more, wherever - and whenever - they play.

Ultimate Fire Link Power 4 game on Kascada Portrait cabinet bank
Rich Little Piggies game on Kascada Portrait cabinet
Ta Da Panda game on Mural cabinet
pink and purple gradient background

leading systems

backed by
innovative solutions

Our technologically advanced systems make every play an experience. With real-time insights and solutions, driving player loyalty and operational efficiencies are in the palm of your hand.

Unified Wallet app displayed on mobile phone

table games for
player experiences

As the frontrunner in table game technology, Light & Wonder’s ever evolving slate of innovative table games, shufflers, payment solutions, chip sorters, electronic displays, and other high-tech solutions takes table game performance to the next level.

orb art in shades of purple and blue
ultimate texas hold’em logo
game portal artwork
background from Spartacus game
Spartan character from Spartacus game
Spartan character from Spartacus gameSpartan character from Spartacus game

It’s all about
the games

purple and pink gradient background
Double Money Link game on Kascada Dual Screen cabinet

Our cabinets feature the latest technology - engineered with the player and operator in mind - to take player attraction and engagement to atmospheric levels.

Roulette X on Quartz standalone cabinet

We provide top performing platforms that game entertainment stands on.

EZ Baccarat game on iScore Ultra scoreboard table display

Our broad hardware portfolio brings players access to the biggest game brands and never-ending excitement.

Our cabinets feature the latest technology - engineered with the player and operator in mind - to take player attraction and engagement to atmospheric levels.

We provide top performing platforms that game entertainment stands on.

Our broad hardware portfolio brings players access to the biggest game brands and never-ending excitement.

Double Money Link game on Kascada Dual Screen cabinet

Our cabinets feature the latest technology - engineered with the player and operator in mind - to take player attraction and engagement to atmospheric levels.

Roulette X on Quartz standalone cabinet

We provide top performing platforms that game entertainment stands on.

EZ Baccarat game on iScore Ultra scoreboard table display

Our broad hardware portfolio brings players access to the biggest game brands and never-ending excitement.

game portal artwork
Lion Riches game background artwork
Lion dragon character from Lion Riches game

We're here for you

No matter the need – or time of day – our systems and games technology services teams are here to help.

orange and pink gradient background

Your portal to

purple and blue orb art
pink and red orb art

LNW Gaming, Inc. is a licensed gaming manufacturer and a subsidiary of Light & Wonder, Inc.

All ® notices signify marks registered in the United States. © 2025 Light & Wonder, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.