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New Worlds of Play

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It’s all about
the games

New worlds that embrace the extraordinary and create wide-eyed wonder. Where the unfamiliar becomes the familiar and content breaks boundaries.

teal portal art
background from Fat Fortunes game
blue and green gradient background
Fat Cat from Fat Fortunes game
Green fish from Gold Fish game
blue orb art
blue orb art
symbol coins from Terrific Tiger Coin Combo game
blue orb art
symbol coins from Terrific Tiger Coin Combo game
symbol coins from Terrific Tiger Coin Combo game
UFO from Invaders Megaways game
Terrific Tiger from Terrific Tiger Coin Combo game

Inspiring wonder
by connecting players
to a new world of

Light & Wonder is
a global leader in
game experiences

We create content, hardware and systems that connect iconic titles across any place or channel. By turning games into expansive entertainment, we keep thrilling players with characters and stories they can't get enough of.

Scientist with beaker from Invaders Megaways game
orb art in shades of pink and blue
portal art
background artwork from Into the Storm game

We are daring
and bold

Our Values

Committed to
serving as

purpose driven
in our efforts

orb art in shades of pink and green
88 Fortunes girl FuBaby with gold symbol from 88 Fortunes Coin Combo game
orb art in shades of red and purple

Led by a team of innovators
and proven leaders


And a diverse group of industry
from the world of
entertainment and beyond


world map showing L&W locations

We're worldwide, so
you can be, too

orb art in shades of red and purple
orb art in shades of red and purple

Stay up to date with
the latest news
featuring our products,
channels and people

LNW Gaming, Inc. is a licensed gaming manufacturer and a subsidiary of Light & Wonder, Inc.

All ® notices signify marks registered in the United States. © 2025 Light & Wonder, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All Rights Reserved.